For your executional stage of your advertising ideas you'll need images. We'll discuss various options in class. Stock photos is one of the options. Most existing imagery is likely to be bad, common and familiar. Yet in certain situations may work for your comps. They will also need to be tweaked to be more unique and fit with the tonality of your concept. In any event, below are some resources.
High res will be needed for output so images don't pixelate.
Shooting the images yourself...tbd
NOTE: Don't use these sites for ideas. It's after you have a really great visual idea and need the image for it. Another option is shoot it yourself! We'll discuss further in class.
Stock photo resources:
Also, you should be looking at several thousand choices of the same image idea. Cull it down to ten you love then assess which works best. Some of the sites are free and others have nominal charges for comps.
Also- remember our class lesson about tweaking images to give them a more unique look. Give them a look that relates to your idea or brand.
Search 'images' .click tab on right for 'search tools' and on the left select 'size' larger than 2MB (or larger than 1024x768 depending on final size of the image in your ad).
$ SVA Library maintains an institutional subscription to Colourbox, a database with over 6 million images and videos available for free non-commercial use.
You may download up to 30 files per month with your own personal account.
To create an account:
1. Go to
2. Type the key code 241393613967 in the box to the right and click "Send."
3. Indicate whether you are an SVA student or a member of the College's faculty or staff.
4. Fill out the form and you're ready to go.
To access the database via the SVA website, go to > Student Life > Library > Find Articles & Images > Images. For questions or more information, contact the SVA Library at The key code may have changed.
Visit photographer’s websites and bookstores too.
Sites for Advertising:
Below are some resources to view, absorb, analyze and help you get inspired by great ideas and great
advertising. Check them all out and bookmark them. Choose your top 2 favorite sites and visit
frequently. Look for concept/idea and fresh execution. Make sure you like an ad for the right reasons.
Latest creative print campaigns, tv, digital from around the world. On some sites you can browse by media type, i.e., print, digital. Other are more editorial news sites and review current campaigns and agencies.
Reference Sites:
Current ad news/campaigns:
Award Shows and Ad Clubs: